Community support & contribution
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The e107 community has a long history of users helping each other out. Providing support, reporting bugs, requesting new features, submitting pull requests, and checking up on upcoming milestones. There's lots of ways to get involved in the development of e107.
Having trouble getting e107 up and running? Something not working the way you think it should? Unfortunately we do not have time to maintain a full e107 support community ourselves, but there are a few ways to get help:
If you think you have found a bug, then please see the section below on Reporting Bugs.
If you need help with how to use e107 or a development question (such as how to create a theme or plugin) - please see our developer manual
You can also seek assistance at the Questions and Answers site where you can get friendly community support from other users,
If you are using the e107 Legacy software, you may sometimes find answers to your question on our Legacy forum archives.
For real-time technical chat, and community support, please visit us on Gitter
For other comments, please use our official community presences on Facebook, and Twitter as well as unofficial community presences on Reddit.
Found a problem with e107? Feel free to submit an issue on the GitHub project. But please keep the following in mind:
Don't expect the problem to be resolved instantly. The project is made possible by volunteers who also have to manage full-time jobs, family time, and many other things that get in the way.
Please search to see if your bug was already reported.
After doing the above, feel free to submit an issue. Be sure to provide as many details as possible. eg. "It doesn't work" is not so helpful when trying to trace problems. The Github template will help you fill in helpful information.
Developers are always welcome to support the community in addressing raised issues through pull-requests (see below).
Found a security issue with e107? Despite our best efforts, sometimes these do crop up. We're committed to resolving these as quickly as possible.
So if you spot a security issue, please contact us directly at so that we can deal with these away from the eyes of unscrupulous hackers that may seek to exploit these issues and disrupt users' websites.
Please do not report security issues in publicly viewable areas until you have received a confirmation that the issue has been addressed!
Understand that we may not get to the feature request right away, and that some features may be best suited to a 3rd-party plugin, rather than the core system of e107.
Found a way to solve a bug in e107? Here are a few things to remember:
Please focus on existing unresolved issues and leave a comment that you're working on it.
Place the issue number in your description when you make your commit. eg. "Fixes #123 - Icons missing"
Use a separate branch for each issue you work on.
Hopefully you think e107 is awesome. We've put hundreds (if not thousands) of hours into the project and have made it completely available to the open source community. If you'd like, here are a couple of ways you can show your appreciation for all the hard work:
Consider becoming a developer and participating in the ongoing development.
Write inspirational articles, record videos, tell others how you're using e107 and inspire others to adopt e107.
Got a new feature you'd like to see included in e107? Please use our Github issues page to submit your idea. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Please search to see if your feature request already exists, and if so, give it a "+1"
Please submit all pull requests on Github.
Github Guides is a particularly helpful resource that explains how to submit pull requests!
Want to keep up with what's planned for e107? Check out our milestones on Github .
Make a donation to help speed along development.