
Please note: This page is under construction and has not been finished yet.



  • Introductory text about site preferences

  • Add description for all preferences

Basic options

Site information

TIP: Please also refer to the "Siteinfo" plugin information.

Site name

Site URL

Redirect all requests to sire URL

Site Tagline

Site Description

Site disclaimer

The site disclaimer field can be used for displaying a disclaimer such as copyright information. You are able to use 👉 constants but not emoticons. The site disclaimer is available everywhere on your website by using the shortcode ({SITEDISCLAIMER}) or constant (SITEDISCLAIMER).

If the left empty, the default e107 copyright information is displayed:

Proudly powered by <a href="">e107</a> which is released under the terms of the GNU GPL License.

👍 TIP: If you use YYYY in the text, it is automatically replaced with the current year, e.g.: 2021

Email & Contact Info

Main site admin

Main site email

Name for responses to emails from site

Email address for emails from site

Send test email

Emailing method

Default email format

Site Contact Information

  • Add note about new fields (when this preference is empty) (as of 2.3.1)

Site Contact Person(s)

Contact Form Visibility

Contact Form Filtering

Allow users to email copy of contact email to self

GDPR Settings

URL to the Privacy Policy

URL to the website terms and conditions

User Registration/Login

User registration systems

There are three different options for the user registration system:



Register & Login

Allows users to register and login as members on your site.

Login Only

Existing users are able to log in but they are not able to create an account.


Registration system is disabled. Users are not able to log in via the public area of your website, nor are they able to create an account.

Note: When the user registration system is set to disabled, the only way to login when this setting is enabled, is directly through the Admin Area.

New user verification method

If you allow registration, you can set if/how new user registrations are approved:



No Verification

Users are not verified. Once they signed up by filling in the form, they can login to their account immediately.

Email Verification

A registration email is sent to the e-mail address that was filled in. The user needs to confirm their e-mail address by clicking the link in the email they received.

Admin Approval

No registration email is sent. A user can be only be approved manually by an administrator (through the Admin Area).

👍 TIP: You can use the notification system to be notified when a new user registers on your website.

User login method

You can set the way how a registered user can login onto your website:



Username/Email and Password

A user can use either their username or their e-mail address to login, both work.

Email and Password

A user can only use their e-mail address to login (not their username)

Username and Password

A user can only use their username to login (not their e-mail address)

Restrict website to members only

When this option is turned on, all areas except the signup page and the frontpage of your website are restricted. No other content is displayed to guests (users who are not logged in).


When enabling this option, there are two options for your frontpage:

  • Login page - a login form is displayed for guests.

  • Membership page - a message about limited access is displayed, but there is no login form.

Members-only URL exceptions

You can set exceptions for member limitations in the next field. Members only-mode will be disabled for URLs that match any of the terms in this list. Enter one URL per line.

When enabled, the user is automatically logged in after clicking on the link in the signup email. If disabled, the user has to explicitly log in (using their username/email and password) after signing up.

Display Name maximum length

This setting determines the maximum length of the user's display name. Minimum is set to 5.

Login Name maximum length

This setting determines the maximum length of the user's login name. Minimum is set to 10.

Minimum Length for Passwords

This setting determines the maximum length of the user's password. Minimum is set to 5

Maximum Signups permitted from the same IP address

This setting determines the maximum amount of sign-up's from the same specific IP address that is permitted. If left blank, this feature is disabled.

Signup Page Options

Field options

Use COPPA on signup page

Text to display on signup page

Text to display after signup from has been submitted

Generate random predefined login names according to a pattern

Disallow usernames

Display name and login name may be different for

Use 'classic' nextprev look


Allow users to post comments

Allow anonymous posting

Display new comment icon

Turn on nested comments

Allow posters to edit their comments

Show emoticon images on comment form

Moderate Comments made by

Comment Sorting

File Upload

Allow File Uploads

Maximum file size


Filetype upload limits

Advanced options

Display information

Display theme information

Display render time

Display sql queries

Display Memory Usage

Admin Display

Display plugins info

Unique 'Plugins info' menu

Separate plugins into their own menu

Display navigation-bar labels

Collapse navigation side-bar by default

Display field help tips

Content Filter

Make URLs clickable

Replace clickable URLs

Filter profanities

Replace string

Filter words

Wrap long words in main text

Wrap long words in menu text

Class which can post HTML

Class which can post <script> and similar tags

Frontend Inline-Editing

Filter HTML content

HTML Abuse filter

Enable WYSIWYG textareas

Security & Protection

Use SSL only

Display CAPTCHA on signup page

Display CAPTCHA on login page

Display CAPTCHA on forgotten password page

Display CAPTCHA on admin-area login page

Disallow multiple logins

User Tracking method

Session Lifetime

Session Save Method

Password encoding

Password transmission method

Enable flood protection

Flood timeout

Auto Ban

Maximum failed logins before ban

Display warning when main administrator password hasn't changed for at least 30 days

Date Display options

Short date format

Long date format

Forum date format

Date/Time Input-Field format



Use CDN for core libraries

CDN provider

Advanced Features

Developer mode

Log all page accesses

When enabled, this feature logs every page access to a log file. For more information see Access Log.

Compress Site Output Using gzip

Select e107 authentication method

  • TODO: Only available if alt_auth plugin is installed. Refer to alt_auth docs.

Check for e107 update once/day

Last updated