
Please note: This page is under construction and has not been finished yet.


  • General info about administrators

Maintaining Administrators

You can view and set Website Administrators permissions from the Admin Area » Users » Administrators. The page lists all users with site administrator privilege type. You can edit or remove user admin status.

First create a user account & set as administrator from the drop-down in the user list.

Set admin permissions you would like to give to your new admin.

  • #Administrator Permissions

To remove admin permissions, edit the user account and remove all check boxes.

Next Delete the Administrator Privilege using the red X icon.

This does not remove their user account but only removes their administrator status.

Administrator Permissions

For your website security, care needs to be taken when authorising admin permissions. You are recommended to only grant the minimum required admin options to meet needs.

Click the Update Administrator button once you have checked the required options.

Grant Core and Plugin Function Access

Clicking the Update Administrator icon opens a screen which displays a list of e107 admin and plugin features which enables you to grant access to the required system functions.

Creating a Main Site Administrator

The last option on the list is 'Main Site Administrator' check this box to create further main admins.

Category:User Guide Category:Admin Category:Users Category:Administrators Category:Permissions Category:Security

Last updated