Please note: This page is under construction and has not been finished yet.
This page shows a list of your registered members. You can update their settings, give them administrator status and set their user class among other things.
The sort order can be changed by clicking on the column heading. The displayed columns can be changed by clicking on 'Edit Display Options', selecting the required columns, then clicking on 'Search/Refresh'
Show this user's profile (can also click on their display name)
Edit the settings for this user.
Determine whether the user can access the site.
This activates a user who would normally have replied to the activation email.
Resend Email
Resends the activation email to the user.
Test email
Check user's email address for validity (doesn't send an email)
Set Class
Set class membership for a user
Totally removes the user from membership of the site (any forum posts, comments etc remain, and are flagged as from a 'Deleted User')
Users Front Page
This is the main user management page. You can configure the display fields using the options icon, the available fields are listed below with the defaults in bold.
Display name
Login Name
Real Name
Custom title
Email address
Hide email
XUP file
User class
Join Date
Last Visit
Current Visit
Last Post
IP Address
Password Change
Quick Add User
This page allows you to create a user, who is immediately a normal member of the site, with whatever class memberships you assign.
If you check the 'Send confirmation email with password to new user' box, the login name and password are sent in clear, so the user must change their password on receipt.
Display name
Username (login name)
Random user name
Real Name
Random password
Re-type Password
Email Address
Require Confirmation
Send confirmation email with password to new user
Set Classes
PRIVATEMENU (Grants access to private menu items)
PRIVATEFORUM1 (Example private forum class)
Make admin
Set Permissions
Extended fields would also be displayed here.
Prune Users
Bulk deletes unwanted users from the database. These may be either those who failed to complete the registration process, or those whose email addresses bounced. Any forum posts, comments etc remain, and are flagged as from a 'Deleted User'.
Delete Unverified Users
Delete Unverified Users Over 30 Days
Delete Bounced Users
Sets various options affecting all users.
Allow Avatar Upload
If enabled, users may upload an avatar of their choice, which is stored on your server. This can have security implications.
Allow Photo Upload
If enabled, users may upload a photo of their choice, which is stored on your server. This can have security implications.
Maximum avatar width (in pixels)
(default is 120)
Maximum avatar height (in pixels)
(default is 100)
Allow users to rate users
Allow comments in user profile
Force user to update settings
Enabling this option will automatically send the user to their user-settings if a required user field is not filled.
Delete unverified users
Delete signups if unverified after this amount of time - leave blank to not use this option This option is ignored if user signups are admin moderated - set in minutes.
Online User Tracking
This must be enabled to keep track of most user activity, including counts of online members. It does increase database activity significantly.
Member Information
Determines which class of members can view the member list.
New user probationary period (days)
Admin can impose restrictions during this period in some areas - set in days.
User ranks
Rankings can be created for your users.
Rank Name
Lower Threshold
Lang Prefix
User Rank Image
Category:User Guide Category:Admin Category:Users Category:Permissions Category:Security Category:WhatsNew
Last updated
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